David Frame
...as in picture frameProject Coordinator, Communication Designer, and advocate for the Oxford Comma. Clients and collaborators include University of the Arts London, Climate Emergency Network, Knowledge Quarter, and Global Generation.
︎ 07881 296 154
︎ hello@davidframe.me
︎ Connect with me
︎︎︎ Better Late Than Never [exhibition design, project coordination, art direction]
︎︎︎ Volunteer Event at The National Covid Memorial Wall [event planning, project coordination]
︎︎︎ GCD in here, over there, out there [event planning, project coordination, art direction]
︎︎︎ GCD.STUDIO [project coordination, art direction, web development]
︎︎︎ Volunteer Event at The National Covid Memorial Wall [event planning, project coordination]
︎︎︎ GCD in here, over there, out there [event planning, project coordination, art direction]
︎︎︎ GCD.STUDIO [project coordination, art direction, web development]